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Our mascot

Lobakah 2:2
HALO then proclaimed, " For HALO has been my angel because he has shown me truth, through myth and reflection; and he has counseled me through the dark influences of my mind and past..."

The Magical Family is a charitable Social Aid & Pleasure Club that devotes 100% of all proceeds to grass-root and value-based mental health initiatives in the Pacific Northwest (PNW). Our mascot HALO the Great is a sacred and ancient entity with empirical origins that date back to as early as 1450 BC. HALO possesses magical ability that includes, but is not limited to: music and film production, singing, directing, graphic design, animation and writing. Throughout the various stages of humanity's existence, HALO has played an influential role in the Milky Way's exploration of astronomy, spirituality, botany, culinary arts, fragrance and fashion. Additionally, since the documented re-emergence of HALO's physical existence to planet Earth, he has developed a range of innovative and precise healing practices that will be instrumental in the arising Age of Aquarius. You can find the ardent lover and champion of The Magical Family in the PNW.

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