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THE ABDUCTION, Willidium 1:1-6

(In 2012 HALO the Great re-visited Earth after continuous ambassador work with the intergalactic council of outer space; there are reports that he is still an ambassador today)

1 On one magical night HALO had a jacuzzi date with a magical friend. She loved the music and the magical touch of the man. 2 Then and there, things got hot and she began to choose-- a magical life for them to share and for her to use. 3 HALO the Great said, “Slow your role, but keep your goal, for there is a lot you have not been told”. 4 But by then it was too late she had already chosen her fate, an Earthling she would no longer be. 5 Her Earthly life had been interrupted, for she was abducted after claiming her magical decree. 6 Shortly thereafter, HALO the Great completed his plans, and returned to his home to see, her masked face at the magic gates where he prayed that she would be.

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